Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chima Marmoset

What's up?
I'm Chima Marmoset. Chima means "God knows". I'm 14 and I have a big family. I live in South Africa with my mom, dad, 8 brothers and 6 sisters. I'm th youngest. I came to Brazil to visit and do many things. I hope I can go to the Amazon forest. I love to play, so let's have fun together.


  1. Hi!
    My name is kássia,I have 13 years old,I live in Ceilandia.


  2. Chima Marmoset (:

    I chima Marmoset having lots of fun during that first week with a great friend, Daiane!

    Wednesday night I went to church, I met new friends, and enjoyed singing in church ...

    Thursday I played video game ...

    Friday I was I met new friends at school Daiane, was very nice, everyone liked me ...
    pesquisar ...

    Saturday I spent the day sleeping, down to the Sunday I get up early to go to church ... (:

    Sunday I did some never imagined that one day I would do, I helped my friend Daiane tidying her house, I loved her mother ...

    Monday I saw my friends Cilc again, I was very happy to have seen them ...

    terça feira eu assistir a novela caminho das indias ... kkkkkk'

    Wednesday I went away and found my new friend, Paula, but I will pass a week with her ... espero qe legaal and is very fun.

    Bye bye peaple !

  3. Hi Chima

    My name is Mateus Souza,
    I have 14 years old,
    I was born in December 1994 in Taguatinga and grow up in Ceilândia.

    By !!!

  4. Hi,
    My name is Kássia Alessandra,
    I have 13 years old,
    I am student,
    I study in Cef 07
    I live in a house in Ceilandia,
    My Class in English is I2v2b309.


  5. Hi,my name is Létícia,I'm 13 years old,I live in Ceilândia and I'm study CEF 02.


  6. Hi andre, my name is Chima marmoset i will to say to you ,about my week in Eber home.
    Wednesday:10/21/09 October : Chima played a lot.went to the church when we back we went to slep ...
    Thursday: 10/22 October: Chima we wake up early.we played video games,we went to the church again we went to sleep when we arrived, chima snore a lot i can’t sto sleep

    Friday : 10/23 October :stay on the street ,watching the movie ‘sunddenly is love’ we finished to watch at 11:30 pm,caped him mouth he doesn’t snose ....

    Saturday: 10/24 October :we wake up,we want to the church ,after.. we watching three movies:the others,17 again,finished 6:00 am ,we went to sleep with my cousin ..what a mess

    Sunday:10/25 October :we went to a barbecue ..when we back watching tv...

    Monday:10/26 October: Chima i went at school and chima stands watching movies we have to lunch together ,chimas help me to make homework

    Thusday:10/27 October: Chima i went at school and chima stands watching movies we have to lunch together

    Wednesday:10/28 October: Chima i went at school and chima stands watching movies we have to lunch together was the last day of chimas in my halls he is sad

    Andre my week in eber home was very good

    Bye André .
